Sunday, October 7, 2007


We had planned on doing several errands after Church, so hurried home to change clothes and pick up the to do list. After several days of beautiful high clouds and blue sky, we were treated to a rather overcast day with the sun shining through occasionally. My husband was driving and I sat back just gazing upward. As the grey clouds scudded across the sky my eyes caught something that I had never seen before. I asked my husband to pull over to the side of the road, and look upward. We watched as one grey cloud seemed to hasten it speed northward, and expose a patch of blue and then a white cloud came into view. Inside the white cloud a rainbow was exposed that held colors of pink, green, orange, reddish orange, blue, green, and lavender that were blended together. As we watched the cloud seemed to compose a ripple effect like the water in a brook. We both sat in awe until another dark cloud came over it and covered the beauty of what we were seeing. To have the eyes to see the splendor of Gods creation is something I will forever be grateful for.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Helping Hands

I am in awe of how people in the most smallest of ways can either be sensitive to one another, or how they can be insensitive. In the latter I do not mean that it is done purposely, but that it is rather due to how we prioritize our commitments.
I had been to a writers club that I belong to. Because of the beauty of the day we decided to set outdoors. It was one of those days, where the blue of the sky, and the arrangement of the clouds made one feel that you were part of oil painting that had only just begun. The wind was blowing with just a touch of coolness, and sweaters were handy if needed. As our facilitator was giving suggestions on simple ways of explaining our thoughts, my eyes began to cloud over and cause discomfortment. I asked the other ladies if they were having the same problems. They all commented on the smells of the gas and diesel of the vehicle's that were driving by, but no eye problems. I left and came home. After a call to the Doctor, and a referral to and opthomologist I was seen right away. I had an allergic reaction to something in the air, and after prescribing some eye drops, and antibiotic I was sent home. The next morning my eyes were worse. We called the Doctor back and was advised to come right in. After another exam, I was told I was also allergic to the antibiotics. Another was prescribed and again I was sent home.
My eyes were closed shut and no amount of trying to persuade my lids to open helped. I went through 4 days of complete blindness, being able to move from the bedroom to the living room with the use of my hands along walls and chairs. If a chair was moved, I became quite bewildered. My love of reading books and watching movies were not to be. My husband called all our friends and asked for prayers. Everyone agreed to pray, and then we heard from no one for 3 days. The one person that called later made the comment "I had so much to do, that I just forgot to call and see how you were". My husband stayed by my side putting the drops in at the correct time and making sure I had something to eat. He did not complain, nor did he offer any suggestions on how I moved about. His helping hands at that point in my life was done through nothing more than love for me, and a compassionate heart.
I love you my husband.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Emanuel (God with Us)

In Isaiah 7:14 It is written:
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel. KJ
Isaiah 7:15 says: Butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. KJ

In St.Matthew 1:23 it is written:
Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. KJ

Some versions of the Bible say that when He was weaned he ate curds and honey. This was something that I wanted to share with others. It made my Lords human side on Earth more meaningful. There is very little that we know of in His early years, except when He stayed at the Temple, and Mary and Joseph had to go back for him. I hope this has as much impact on you as it did on me.

Friday, August 3, 2007


After my posting yesterday, and feeling bad about the fire I received some exciting news. I did not have to cook because my husband asked me out to dinner. What a treat that was. We went for Chinese and enjoyed the food and coolness of the restaurant. I had submitted a poem to Faith Writers earlier in the day, and when I got home I had 2 nice reviews on my computer.
You know, sometimes when we are at our lowest, God gives us a revelation of just how much he loves and watches over us. I am going to sit back this evening and have some pecan Ice Cream. and think about how to write another poem.
Wish me Luck

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I am sitting here today wondering if what I see is what others see, or am I seeing what others see. This seems a little confusing, but this day has been confusing. We have had a fire just outside of the town where I live, that has spread to 15 acreas. When I look towards the sky, all I see is a gray blue, that covers the awsome blue that was there yesterday. I think of all the small animals that in fear either froze in place ,or ran for their lives away from the heat and flames. I wish that yesterday was hear again, so I would not have to think about such things, but in this life we face today everyday. The smoke from the fire has covered the mountains that stand as sentinals against the beyond that I cannot see, but on this side it is dry and hazy. We have our sprinklers in the fields going and around the house we are keeping damp, but because we live at the edge of where the forest and desert meet,there is alway a chanch of a fire close by. It has been a year of heat and dry weather that is prone to wild fires. I called my sister today to see if she was OK, but she was not home. Isn't it funny how we always call our loved ones when there is danger near by? The nice thing about today is barbeque

Thursday, June 21, 2007


In John 3:16 we read:
For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In this verse we read that God gave

In Isaiah 9:6 we read:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is givin: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. In this verse we read that a son is given.

In St. John 1:1 we read: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God.

St. John 1:14 we read: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.

What a wonderful gift was given when God gave his Word to the World

Thursday, May 3, 2007


We walk in humble attitude.
We face our friends with joy.
But let a friend or family fail us.
Do we do as Jesus said we should.

Do we as Children of a King.
Love others as He has.
Or do we walk away in anger.
And lose the friend we had.

Are we the victor in our anger.
Are we the one that's wronged.
Or are we just held Prisoner.
By our will that just to strong.

Will we ever learn to love.
When others fail us so.
Or will we still a prisoner be.
Not led by God above.

He gave us freedom by His death.
He held no anger there.
He just said "I love you".
And this we have to share.

by Jeanie

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Musings 1 of 2

Roman Guard Unit

The Roman Army when they were sent to guard a person, did so with their lives. If the prisoner escaped, they would be put to death. To guard a prisoner they formed a custodian. In Greek it was spelled "Koustodia." Their primary concern was to guard the seal of the Emperor, which was attached to the tomb. This was accomplished by having sixteen guards. There were 4 that faced the North, 4 faced the South, 4 faced the East, and 4 faced the West.

Each guard had a space of 6 ft. to the front, 6 ft to the back, and 6 ft to each side. In this manner there was very little chance of anyone escaping or tampering with the seal. Have you ever wondered if this was the way that the guards stood at the tomb of Jesus Christ?

Koustodia can be found in Strongs Concordance, 2892


Face Cloth

There is an old story that has been around for some time. I do not remember the author's name. The story goes than when a carpenter in Biblical times finished a project, he would then wash with a face towel and basin of water that had been laid out for him. He would then fold the towel and place it separate from the basin. This let the owner know the work he had come to do was finished.

When the disciples entered the Tomb, after Jesus had been resurrected they found the face cloth was folded, and placed separately from the other cloths. Do you think that behind the rock that had been rolled over the opening, that Jesus took the face cloth, folded it, and placed it separately as if to say "It is finished?"

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Blood of the Lamb

And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door.
(Exodus 12:7 KJV)

While held captive in Egypt, God told Moses to have the people slay a lamb without blemish. They were to take the blood and strike it on the side posts and over the top of the door. The lamb they were to roast and eat with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

For that night He would pass through Egypt and smite all the firstborn in the land.
When He saw the blood He would pass over that house. Were there fears as they hid behind their doors that night? Did they trust God to do what Moses asked of them? Did they fully understand?

In Luke 22:19-20 we read again of the shed blood and the unleavened bread. This is the
last supper, and Jesus is telling his disciples to drink the fruit of the vine as His blood that would be shed for them, and to eat of the bread that represents His body. They did as instructed, but did they fully understand? In both instances the blood from the lamb was slain to protect them. One was the door post and the other was the cross.

Heavenly Father I thank you for the grace that came to me because of the cross. I did not deserve the love you gave so freely. Help me to always remember that when I stay behind the shed blood you will pass over and I will be with you in eternity.