Friday, June 4, 2010


Many of us go to Church and expect nothing, and therefor receive nothing. Some people are pew sitters, others use Church as a social arena, while others want a high and feel good to walk out with.
While others want to become involved with the Church and be a part in building it, but do not know how. The reason for this is because of the pew sitters, the socialize, and the, for the moment highs. These people restrict those that want to be involved, because they have their tiny groups that will not allow new people to bring their talents and gifts to the front.

We as Church members have to realise that not all newcomers are just there for a short time. Many times they are only there for a short time because they feel restricted by our actions.

May God wake up up and teach us to look for gifts and talents in all those that attend our body of believers. (The Church)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Music

We live in an area that until a few years ago the main road was built by blasting a huge rock and cutting through it. By doing this it created a wall of rock on both sides of the highway. It was interesting to see how the cuts in the rock created different images and as the Sun shown through the cut, it caused the shadows to show different images on the highway.

On the day that I accepted the Lord and became identified with Him by baptism, we were driving home, and as we drove through the cut, I heard the most beautiful music I have ever heard. There is no music on this Earth that can compare to this. It was as though a band of stringed instruments had come together to awake the world to God's glory. The music lasted only a short few seconds, but in that time frame I knew that God had shown me that He loved me and wanted me to know He was proud of me.

We have traveled through that cut many time before they blasted the whole rock away, and try as I might the music never came back. But Praise the Lord, I had a chance to hear and know, that in Heaven the music will be more wonderful and glorious than we are able to create here on Earth.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Did you ever stop to think of how Jesus Christ was crucified? Have you ever stopped to think that man had nothing to do with what really happened? Listening to a program this morning I began to realise that not all we hear and assume is the truth.
Because the man that He created, nailed Him to a wooden cross that He created, and placed Him on a hill that He created. And because of His love for us, He forgave us and saved us from our sins.
When I see it in this way I know that nothing is done, unless He allows it. We do have a will, but we need to know that will comes from the ONE that created us.
We can use that will to do good or evil, but in the end, He will choose those that believe in HIM.
So really what is man.
Maybe we aught to not think any more highly of ourselfs that we aught to.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

We are in a world that I did not have as a child. When I was young we could walk anywhere and never be afraid. There was a lot of trust in our neighbors, friends, and strangers. This is not the way it is now. We fear the way the Government is taking control of our lives, our finances, and our health, but God tells us not to fear man, because He will keep us safe. We have to be in the Word and trusting in God only to live free. We are not under the control of man but of God!! What a wonderful feeling to look up and not fear what is going on around us.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Left out

This has been a year of not only personal pain, but mental pain. I was in an auto accident in August of 2009, and from that time one I have felt that the Doctors have not wanted to help me in any way at all. I am continually sent from one Doctor to another and always with the same story. "I don't know what to do to help you, so am sending you to a specialist, and hopefully we will be able to find an answer."
I have went into depression over no help, and always more pills. I talked to others and they also have felt they had gotten the run around.
It is also during this time that my Father passed away and I watched as my brother and sisters all told me what Dad had promised them and how they would treasure them and pass them down to their children. I was hurt mentally because my Dad never left me anything, my family has offered to share something with me, but the hurt causes me to say no. I do not understand why I was left out, and anger took its place in my heart for a short time. I felt wounded beyond what I felt I could bear. But something happened to me, and the anger left. I realized that my Heavenly Father left me a gift more precious than any one person could have done. He left me with a promise of eternal life, and a family that does not have to feel sorry for me but to share with me in that promise. A Heavenly Father that does not choose favorites, but loves us all the same. He never asks me for something but seems to go out of His way to give me all I ask for.
I feed on that love and understanding that He knows how I felt for a while. I am safe in His care.