Thursday, May 3, 2007


We walk in humble attitude.
We face our friends with joy.
But let a friend or family fail us.
Do we do as Jesus said we should.

Do we as Children of a King.
Love others as He has.
Or do we walk away in anger.
And lose the friend we had.

Are we the victor in our anger.
Are we the one that's wronged.
Or are we just held Prisoner.
By our will that just to strong.

Will we ever learn to love.
When others fail us so.
Or will we still a prisoner be.
Not led by God above.

He gave us freedom by His death.
He held no anger there.
He just said "I love you".
And this we have to share.

by Jeanie

1 comment:

Constance Gilbert said...

In this "I want it now" society it is easy to react rather than responding in love. Thanks for the reminder, Connie