Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Music

We live in an area that until a few years ago the main road was built by blasting a huge rock and cutting through it. By doing this it created a wall of rock on both sides of the highway. It was interesting to see how the cuts in the rock created different images and as the Sun shown through the cut, it caused the shadows to show different images on the highway.

On the day that I accepted the Lord and became identified with Him by baptism, we were driving home, and as we drove through the cut, I heard the most beautiful music I have ever heard. There is no music on this Earth that can compare to this. It was as though a band of stringed instruments had come together to awake the world to God's glory. The music lasted only a short few seconds, but in that time frame I knew that God had shown me that He loved me and wanted me to know He was proud of me.

We have traveled through that cut many time before they blasted the whole rock away, and try as I might the music never came back. But Praise the Lord, I had a chance to hear and know, that in Heaven the music will be more wonderful and glorious than we are able to create here on Earth.

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