Monday, February 19, 2018

Farm Life.

Our weather here in the Pacific Northwest has been cold, and then warm, with little snow, and then cold again.  I wish it would snow in the Mountains and stay dry and warm down here, but I know this is not to be. We are fortunate to live where we are at, because of the wildlife that move about.  This year we have watched the tiny deer of last year, become older and wiser concerning how to jump our fences, and look for the  treasure of dry leaves and grass that fell last year to feed on. Some of the deer have small horn that have started to show, and it is a pleasure to watch, as they try to bunt each other, and try to show the does how tough and strong they have become.  Because we feed the birds in the winter, we are surprised at the number of  Turtle doves, Chickedee's, Dove's, Magpi's, and  Blue jay's that decend on the seeds after we come back into the house.  We have one Chickadee that has taken on the role of lookout, and will fly away at the least noise, leaving the others to scatter and take flight.  When nothing is seen, they decend  again on the bird seeds.  The Chickedee's run to a place to hide if the wind come's up, their little bodies not able to withstand the breeze. Of course the skunks have their place too, but we do not  feed them.  In fact we do not even get to close. They are cute, but if you get to close, they are prone to perfume you.  Not to sure if Tomato juice is really the answer to get rid of the order.

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